Monday, November 27, 2006


Just when you think you have it all figured out,
something new pops up.

Hey! It's like having kids all over again!

So I toured the new fulfillment facility this morning.
While moving a lot of merchandise right before Christmas
is not a fun thing to think about, I could not be more
thrilled with the prospect of the company I found,
Just the level of care the owner took in showing me
around and walking me through the process of how
they do business, was amazing. I can't even post
a testimonial yet and I highly recommend them.
If you go to the testimonial page on their site, I think
it's safe to say I will be satisfied with their service.

Great customer service is so important. That is something
I strive to always offer my customers. Maybe because the
company grew out of a customer based place. I was
just a mom who was looking for a product. I know that
the people who find me (hello people) are like me,
folks looking for a cool new product.
And if you aren't happy,
I'm not happy
so I extend great service to my customers.

Efulfillment Services does the same thing. I appreciate that
and respect their business model.

That's a big thing with me. I am a principal based person.
So it's not always about how cheap you can get something.
It's also about how intact your moral fiber will be
at the end of the day.

I truly believe there can be a balance of cost-effectiveness
and at the same time, doing the right thing, in big business.
Some would call that naive but then,
I can sleep at night I don't have to watch my back.

So that's something.

Jenservation: Don't be afraid to leave your comfort zone
to explore more efficient and cost effective ways to do business.
Even if it inconveniences you enormously at the moment. It is almost
always easier to "stay the course" but you would be foolish to do that
if the situation calls for change.


At 3:56 PM , Anonymous Janine said...

Hi. This is Janine from Precious and Pleasant (we met at MAGIC). I just want you to know that I love your line! I'll have to send you pix of Philip. Just stumbled across your blog... you can view mine at

Take Care, and tell your Mom Hi.

At 3:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 4:35 PM , Blogger Jennifer said...

Please know that the above comment that was deleted by me, was merely a duplicate of Janine's other comment. I'm not in the habit of deleting comments. I want to hear it all, good, bad and ugly. Luckily, in Janine's case, it was good. :-)
Thanks Janine!!


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