Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lead testing

I'm so excited! I'm going to be renting a lead analyzer gun and testing all my stuff.

Hmmm, the things that excite me these days would quite readily bore the life out of just about anyone...

I had been trying to figure out how to cost effectively test 22 styles of already-made goods, without going completely broke. I heard about a woman who is doing some testing. THEN I found out what equipment she is using so I contacted the company and plan to rent it and do my own testing.

So I'm really looking forward to getting that info.

Everybody is saying, "But there is a stay in the process. Now you don't have to test!" Um... people... don't you WANT to know what is what? I was told it should all be fine but I would like to know myself thank you very much.

So that's my project for March. Well that and moving into our new house. We should close escrow next week.

Monday, February 09, 2009

California Budget Crisis

I got an e-mail this morning from a fellow mom asking if I was going to the "BUDGET RALLY TUESDAY and CONTACTING OUR REPS - LET YOUR VOICES BE HEARD!"

No, I'm not going.

I am not one to give up and give in, but this budget crisis is so much bigger than our school system. The state of California is about to implode. The entire state. Having 40 kids in a classroom will suck, but it will be the least of our problems. We are looking at hospitals closing, no more state services, letting prisoners free to run the streets, cancer centers shutting their doors. Every state-tied agency is going to be affected greatly. Even now there is a work furlough with state offices like the DMV, closed during business hours. And as a result, all of us will be affected. Higher property, state and sales tax. No state funding for people in shelters, they will be on the street. No community health care. The list goes on.

No one wants anyone to get laid off. No one wants anything to change for the worse but because so much damage has been done, because so much mis-management had occurred, for so long, it will. The shit is about to hit the fan and any local PTA / school issue we have, would have to be implemented state wide and I don't think that will happen due to this state's unprecedented financial crisis.

That's my two cents. I'm not a defeatist, I'm really not. I just think the time has come and no one is getting out of this one unscathed.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Kid's potential

I was having a conversation with my mom earlier today that involved a discussion about putting mandatory retirement disbursements in a high interest bearing account to offset the taxes they will owe on that income. She concurred. It occurred to me that I must be a grown up to have such a conversation and actually be remotely interested in the topic.

I was trying to imagine my kids as young women, in their careers, having grown up conversations with me. My 7 year old is practically there. She is writing her 3rd book series. She got this bug one day about two months ago and said I want to write a book. She's written about 50 pages, with illustrations. Then I was thinking back to when she was a tiny baby. I would hand her a child's board book with bright pictures. She wasn't interested. She would go to the bookcase and pull out a novel and flip the pages, stop on one and draw her finger down the paper, looking at the pattern of the words on the page. Now, in second grade she is dead set on writing books.

I asked her if she wanted to write books for kids or grown-ups. She replied, "I want my books to inspire both children and adults." Sheesh.

Incidentally, she and her sister just both won first place for their stop motion animated films in the Reflections National art competition through the PTA. When you give kids tools and support it's amazing what they will create. Our culture underestimates the capacity of kids. What they understand and how things effect them.

So I wouldn't be surprised one bit if she turns out to be an author/illustrator. It's fun to watch them find their way.